10 Questions to Figure Out if Your Relationship Has a Future
Relationships are an essential aspect of our lives. When we find someone who shares similar interests and values, it’s easy to get swept up at the moment and start envisioning a future together.
However, when you’re not sure if your relationship is going anywhere or just going through a rough patch, it can be helpful to ask yourself some tough questions about the future.
This blog post will give 10 questions that may help you determine whether a relationship has a future or not.
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” — John F. Kennedy
Part I: The Questions
1. If one of you, god forbid, loses everything, will the other person be there?
This is a question that tests how strong someone’s relationship really is. If the answer is no, then it might not be worth staying in the relationship.
It’s essential for both partners to be there for each other through thick and thin. If one partner cannot offer support during difficult times, they are not worth sticking around for.
A real test of a relationship is if it can withstand difficult times and come out stronger on the other side.
2. Are you both willing to work on the relationship?
If one individual does not want to make any changes or sacrifices for their partner, this may indicate they are unwilling to commit long-term.
It is vital that each person in a relationship be open and honest with themselves as well as the other half about what needs improvement within the relationship.
3. How well do you communicate?
Sometimes, a couple may not see eye-to-eye on specific issues, and it can lead to silent treatment or passive-aggressiveness.
This is one reason why communication within the relationship is so important. When both partners are open about how they feel as well as what their needs are, there should be no problem working through conflict together.
4. How often do you go out of your way for each other?
People who are in love tend to put their partner first and will make sacrifices if necessary.
If one person is not willing to put effort into the relationship, this may indicate they are unwilling to commit long-term, or they may be more concerned with themselves instead of caring about what their significant other wants or needs.
5. What are your thoughts on children?
Some couples may want to have kids right away, while others may not even want them at all.
If you can’t agree about whether or not to have children, this could be a significant point of contention in the future.
It is crucial for both partners to be on the same page about wanting (or not wanting) children before getting too emotionally attached.
6. What are your thoughts on marriage?
Again, some couples may be on the same page about wanting to get married one day, while others may not even want to think about it.
If you can’t agree about whether or not to get married, this is another central point of contention that could lead to the end of a relationship.
Just as with children, it is crucial for both partners to be on the same page about wanting (or not wanting) marriage before getting too emotionally attached.
7. What are your thoughts on religion/faith?
This is another important topic that can cause a lot of tension if both partners have different religious beliefs.
Couples should be respectful of each other’s faiths and open to learning about them as well. If either partner feels like their faith is being belittled or ridiculed, this could lead to resentment down the road.
It is essential for both partners to have similar religious values if they want a future together.
8. If a problem comes up, do you both deal with it, or does one person take the lead?
In any relationship, there are bound to be problems at some point.
If one partner always takes the lead when it comes to solving these issues, this could create tension down the road.
Both partners should feel comfortable dealing with problems as they come up and be willing to compromise in order for the relationship to succeed.
It’s not about who is “right” and who is “wrong,” it’s about finding a solution that works for both people.
9. How much spontaneity is in your relationship?
One thing that can indicate a healthy and stable future together is if both partners are able to plan things but also enjoy spur-of-the-moment activities from time to time.
When couples get comfortable with each other, they may find themselves wanting more spontaneous trips or outings instead of always going out on premeditated dates.
10. How do you handle conflict?
Every relationship goes through disagreements or conflicts at some point, no matter how intense the foundation may be.
If one partner resorts to yelling and screaming while the other remains calm throughout it all, this could indicate that communication is lacking within the relationship.
Both partners should show empathy towards each others’ needs as well as respect for themselves during arguments in order for a healthy environment to continue growing together long-term. m.
It’s vital that both partners are on the same page about specific key components of their lives before getting too emotionally invested in a potential future together.
If there are conflicting opinions between them from day one, chances are they’re not ready to take things further than where they already stand.
Part II: Analyze Your Answers
Once you’ve asked yourself these questions, it’s time to look at your answers. If most of your responses were positive, then there is no reason why your future together can’t be bright!
However, if most of them had more negative than positive aspects, it might be time to reevaluate where things currently stand between you two.
One way to answer these questions would be by journaling your thoughts each night before bed for at least 30 days.
If some of the answers change after this time period has passed, then that’s definitely an indication things between you two aren’t going in the right direction. At times like these, it’s good to take a step back and objectively think about your relationship.
“Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.”
— John Wooden
The Bottom Line
In conclusion, it’s essential, to be honest with yourself about what you want in life. If your mind is made up and days pass by without changing the way you feel, it might be time for a change.
Don’t let fear of starting over or giving up prevent you from creating an environment where both partners can thrive together long-term.
At times like these, it’s essential if there are significant differences that need to be addressed before moving forward as individuals or as a unit.
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Originally published at implementationofwisdom.com
This post was inspired by and researched on https://www.psychologytoday.com
This content is for informational purposes only. It was not created to be a substitute for professional guidance, diagnosis, or treatment. Not all information will be accurate. Consider consulting with a professional or a specialist.
This post was previously published on medium.com.
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The post 10 Questions to Figure Out if Your Relationship Has a Future appeared first on The Good Men Project.