50% Off First MEL Science Kits | Fun Hands-On Experiments for Kids Ages 4-16

50% Off First MEL Science Kits | Fun Hands-On Experiments for Kids Ages 4-16

Mel Science Boxes

Make learning fun for the kids w/ this awesome deal!

For a limited time, MEL Science is offering 50% off your first month’s subscription to the MEL Science Kits for Kids when you use our exclusive promo code HIP2SAVE50 at checkout! That makes your first cost just $17.45!

Note that this discount only applies to your first box, and shipping adds $5 at checkout.

To start your first month of these award-winning MEL Science kits, first select “subscribe” (or “gift” if you’d like to treat someone to a subscription) then select the subject of the box you’d like to subscribe to. Each hands-on kit is tailored to specific age groups and contains all of the materials needed to complete the project. Plus, you’ll also get access to the MEL Science app filled with virtual reality and augmented reality lessons!

Remember that your subscription will automatically renew monthly at the full price, however, you can cancel at any time.

Don’t miss this deal…

Mel Science Stem Box

MEL Science Kit $34.90
Use promo code HIP2SAVE50 (50% off first month)
Shipping adds $5
Final cost $22.45 shipped!

HIP TIP: If your kids LOVE these kits, consider signing up for a yearly subscription to pay a lower price per month. For just $24.90/month, you’ll get a kit delivered right to your door each month. That’s a savings of $120 – that’s 30%! 🙌🏼

Choose from these boxes…

Mel Science Stem Box

MEL STEM Science Kit – Suitable for ages 5 and up, this kit offers hands-on science projects, interactive augmented reality activities, and live classes with professional teachers. The kids will receive a fun theme from over 30 options, such as Codebreaking, Art Lab, Printing Press, Spectrum Goggles, Microscope, and more!

Mel Science Physics Box

MEL Physics Science Kit – Recommended for ages 8 to 14, this kit includes hands-on physics experiments, VR lessons, and access to live classes with science teachers. With 30+ kits available, including Aerodynamics, Lenses, and Shape Memory, there are so many opportunities for exciting fun for the whole family!

Mel Science Chemistry Box

MEL Chemistry Science Kit – Recommended for ages 10 to 16, this kit offers hands on chemistry experiments, VR lessons, and the chance to learn from real science teachers. There are a whopping 50+ chemistry kits available, including Alchemy, Crystals, Chemistry & Light, Colorful Chemistry, Cyanotype, and lots more!

Our team loves these Mel Science kits…

I ordered this box for my science-loving kiddo, and so far we’ve received two: Polarized Light and Luminescence. Both boxes have been a big hit with her. She’s 11, right in the middle of the recommended age range for the physics, and was able to complete all the projects in each kit on her own which helps her feel confident and independent.

The packaging of the boxes looked a little unassuming when they arrived, but they have everything you need, plus extras like the VR lessons and live classes. I really feel like in addition to fun projects/builds, that these kits also offer actual knowledge and learning that other kits are sometimes missing. – Hip Sidekick, Liza

My kids loved MelScience. It comes with all the directions needed to finish each activity. I love that I can change what box I get to give my kids variety each month. These will make for a fun birthday or Christmas gift as well. MelScience was exactly what my science-loving kids needed. – Hip Sidekick, Melissa

These Tween Subscription Boxes are recommended by our readers!

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