7 Ways to Teach Children to Love Reading and Learning

7 Ways to Teach Children to Love Reading and Learning

  • Strategies and tactics for teaching kids to love reading
  • Learning by imitation
  • There are books for every age
  • Reading is also a pick-up-and-put-away game
  • Teach сhildren to love books
  • Read together
  • Avoid obligatory reading at school
  • Don’t force them to read but learn from their pace

A child’s education does not begin from starting school but from the moment of being born. Parents take on significant responsibility in their lives. In addition to being parents, they must give emotional support and be great teachers for their children.

Strategies and tactics for teaching children to love reading

Getting a child to play does not take much effort because it is an activity that he or she does mechanically. However, motivating a child to read is no easy task, but it can be done with good practices.

Learning By Imitation
Parents are an example for children, and children learn many things by imitating their parents. If the child sees you with your cell phone in your hand all day long, and sometimes you ignore him because of this, he will look for you to show him things on your cell phone. Why not replace the cell phone with a book? The child will still want to see what you are doing and share that moment.

There Are Books For Every Age

From a very young age, you can instill an interest in books in your children. For babies, stories with bright colors are ideal. When the child begins to interact, those with textures and shapes are interesting. Books should have little text when they do not yet know how to read, but the images should be obvious because the little ones follow the stories through the pictures and drawings. If your child is a teenager already, he may be engaging in reading more complex texts, novels, or essays. You can find more text samples here: https://www.paperhelp.org/essay/rate-my-paper.html.

For the effective teaching of reading, there is no longer the old primer; there are many methods: now there are images with sounds associated with each letter and then to each word. It is necessary to acquire the appropriate books for their age to exercise their brain and attention.

Reading is Also a Pick-Up-and-Put-Away Game

Teach them that reading is also a game of collecting and tidying up.

It is convenient for children and all family members to have a specific place for this activity, either in the living room on weekends or before going to bed every day.

Teach Children to Love Books and Take Care of Them
In the same way that we do not allow them to stain our walls with paints, we must make our children see that books are not scribbling or painting on them. We must teach them that they must take care of them.

Reading Together
Just as we play with our children, we should read with them the book they have chosen. That’s the way of developing their imagination and creativity, explaining to them the activities of the represented images and drawings, we enrich their vocabulary.

Avoiding Compulsory Reading at School
When the child goes to school and knows how to read, we must show him/her that books are not an obligation. Otherwise, they will associate books with homework. We must focus on the active part and also teach them that books can entertain and amuse them.

Don’t Force to Read but Learn at Their Own Pace
Children shouldn’t be forced to read a lot. They have to read at their own pace because they cannot maintain their concentration for a long time on the same task. On the other hand, not all children show interest in the same readings. Perhaps visuals or comics are more stimulating for them. Learn from their tastes and rhythms. There are formats for all interests.

The parents, the environment where the child develops, and the external educators should teach the children the love for the reading. If a child acquires the habit of having books within his reach from an early age when he grows up, perhaps he will always like to have a book in his hands.

How can parents teach children to love reading? How can they instill that need to be in permanent formation and with an open mind to new learning? It is what we want to talk about today, reviewing strategies and formulas that can be applied to make reading a natural part of their lives.

Doing any activity, playing, or reading with children is beneficial and enriching for both the child and the parents.

The post 7 Ways to Teach Children to Love Reading and Learning first appeared on Make It Missoula.

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