How Children’s Books Publisher The Be Books Makes Positive Learning Concepts Stick

How Children’s Books Publisher The Be Books Makes Positive Learning Concepts Stick

Since the dawn of time, young children have been notoriously active creatures, scurrying all over the place and becoming lost in fascination with even the most mundane of objects. While kids largely settle down when it comes to their beloved storytime, offering the perfect moment for parents to teach positive lessons to their offspring, keeping their attention long enough to actually make an impression is a massive challenge in and of itself. Luckily for grown-ups everywhere, Lauren Grabois Fischer and her independent publishing house, The Be Books, has the answer to this pressing issue conveniently located throughout the backs of every entry in her collection of uplifting books.

Inspired by her own time spent as an elementary school teacher, Grabois Fischer knew she had something special on her hands when she published her first children’s book, Be Who You Were Meant to Be, in 2015. The book was an instant hit within classrooms and families thanks to its promotion of important ideas like accepting others as they are, self-love, and working hard, unlike anything else offered on the market. After meeting with fellow teaching professionals and school counselors that suggested Grabois Fischer expand her unique collection into paperbacks for older kids, she was struck with the perfect idea on how to truly make these positive concepts resonate with children and their mentors alike by adding simple follow-up worksheets in the back of every book.

“I realized that I should provide every parent and educator with the exact words to use to implement these ideas, and encourage the positivity and openness that comes across in each book,” said Grabois Fischer “I felt that without these extra words and pages, a lot of the depth and meaning behind each book was not being absorbed enough by the adults reading them and thus to their children as well. So in order to make learning these lessons as easy as possible, I added these bonus pages.”

Now, each of every eight entries in The Be Books series features a number of comprehensive pages at its conclusion, including discussion topics, activity pages and thought provoking questions to help solidify these uplifting principles into readers’ minds, both young and old. In Love Grows Love, a volume focused on kindness, Grabois Fischer encourages kids and their parents to talk about how smiling can affect someone else’s day, what is the true meaning of love, and how to act when frustrated. For the positive and gratitude oriented, The ABC’s to A Mindful Life, discussion questions prompt chats from donating to others in need, to believing that anything is possible. The additional pages vary from volume to volume, but all remain consistent in motivating children to deeply integrate these lessons learned into their daily lives.

With a highly anticipated ninth book in the series soon on the way, The Be Books and Grabois Fischer’s uniquely efficient methods are sure to positively impact both youngsters and their families for the better for many years to come.

For more on The Be Books’ exciting collection, visit the publishing house’s website or follow them on Instagram for the latest updates.

This content is brought to you by Shahbaz Ahmed.

Photo provided by the author with written permission from The Be Books.

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