Nat Geo Kids Books Prize Pack Giveaway

Nat Geo Kids Books Prize Pack Giveaway

This Valentine’s Day, make little hearts happy and give books that kids will LOVE (and will last a lot longer than a chocolate bar!). 

So Cute: Puppies (Ages 3-7, hardcover, $6.99) That wrinkly little face. Those sweet puppy dog eyes! That squishy, pudgy, fuzzy body! Let’s face it … puppies are SO CUTE! And, well, so is this book!  Try to contain your squeals of delight as you flip through pages of the fluffy fur balls. From puppies at playtime to rascally ruff-housing, this book is filled with humor and informational sidebars, and pairs super cute puppy photos with imagined inner dialogue that will have the whole family laughing. Perfect for little kids getting acquainted with a new pup at home or kids who love animals in general.
We Love Babies(ages 2-5, hardcover, $17.99)
“an adorable and rollicking read-aloud… Bouncy rhymes and spot-on rhythms will delight little ears…. An eye-catching way to introduce older toddlers and preschoolers to the babies of our world.” – Kirkus
Love + adorable baby animals = a MUST for Valentine’s Day. This hilarious picture book with rollicking, rhyming text reads like a crowd-pleasing call, pumping up readers’ excitement for the cutest baby animals ever. Illustrated with lively National Geographic photography, We Love Babies! presents furred, feathered, and finned baby animals of all shapes and sizes, celebrating their glorious diversity, from “paws and claws and little flippers” to “feet that look like fuzzy slippers!”. Whimsical cartoon cheerleaders add to the fun, popping up throughout the book to lead fans in the irresistible refrain: “We love babies, yes we do, we love babies, how about you?”
My Weird But True Fact-a-Day Fun Journal (ages 8-12, paperback, $12.99) Start 2022 off right!  Here’s a chance for Weird But True fans to keep their own personal diary about the weird and wacky world around them. For inspiration, there’s a Weird But True fact a day, plus a daily place for kids to report on all the WBT stuff they observe and experience on their own 24/7. It’s a year’s worth of fun to enjoy, record, and remember!
The Big Book of Bling (ages 8-12, hardcover, $19.99)  
Every Valentine needs some bling! Did you know that with its 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and 5 rubies the British imperial state crown weighs more than a guinea pig? Or if you have $3.5 million to spare you can buy a solid gold toilet? 
Bling is all around us,” the author writes. Maybe so…but rarely is the razzle-dazzle this cranked up. Should come with a cautionary note: sunglasses a must!” – Kirkus
From upscale splurges to flashy fun in nature, this treasure trove is filled with wonders that will dazzle and delight. Read about how nature struts its stuff with tantalizing tidbits about animals, including a few that literally glitter with iridesence to confuse predators. Or maybe you’ll strike it rich after reading about Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas, U.S.A., where anyone can go hunt for sparkling gems. Dig into info about the world’s mysterious minerals, gorgeous geodes, and ritzy rocks. Discover extravagant expenditures like Canada’s million-dollar solid gold coin. Learn all about the splendid science of diamonds that rain from the sky in space. Get the secret behind glowing bioluminescence. And go back in time to uncover palatial palaces, the riches of royalty, and other ancient treasures.  To show off the lush content in proper fashion, readers will be dazzled by hundreds of fun flashy photos throughout.
Little Kids First Big Book of Animals (ages 4-8, hardcover, $14.95)  Filled with fluffy and scaly creatures big and small, this book introduces the youngest explorers to the world of wildlife, including dolphins, tigers, butterflies, frogs, penguins, wolves, and pandas. More than 150 of National Geographic’s most charming animal photos are paired with just the kind of facts that little kids want to know―the creature’s size, diet, home, and more. Child-friendly text explains how animal parents take care of their young, how baby animals change as they grow, and how they learn to hunt and eat.  These animal tales will quickly become favorites at storytime, bedtime, and any other time.
Adorable Animals Super Sticker Activity Book (ages 4-8, paperback, $12.99) Two sticker books in one that are chock-full of the cutest animals on the planet: pandas, koalas, rabbits, kittens, puppies, and so many more. A perfect cure for cabin fever, kids are sure to love these pages of 2,000 stickers that are loaded with fun.
Just Joking 3(ages 7-10, paperback, $8.99) 
Q: What sound do porcupines make when they kiss?    A: Ouch!  
Q: What do you get from a cow after an earthquake?    A: A milkshake! 
Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?              A: In case he got a hole in one
Packed with silly jokes that kids love, including knock-knocks, tongue twisters, riddles, traditional question and answer jokes, each joke is paired with  laughing animals, funny people, and other colorful photos in National Geographic Kids’ signature colorful, photo-driven style. 
All books are available for purchase on Amazon and eligible for PRIME deliver! 

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***The Giveaway***

1 winner will receive a set of ALL SEVEN books!

Giveaway is open to US Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 02/23/22.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for your chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

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