Spring Cleaning Tips and a Printable Checklist

Spring Cleaning Tips and a Printable Checklist

Check out our spring cleaning checklist and get our tips and inspiration to get a sparkling, organized, and happy home this season.

It's that time of year again: Spring Cleaning. I try to keep up with the basics each week, but I love the feeling of a super-clean house. We've put together this pretty spring cleaning printable checklist to help motivate you to check off all those boxes, plus a few helpful tips. 
Spring Cleaning Tips
Download our Spring Cleaning Checklist to help you stay organized during your big Spring clean.

Throw open the windows, bust out the cleaning supplies, and give your humble abode a good ole deep cleaning. We've even got a printable to help you stay on track. I'm a list lover and nothing makes me feel more accomplished than crossing off each item on the list and getting my to-do list done!

And, while I'm no professional cleaner, I've learned a few things along the way. Here are a few of my favorite tips when it comes to cleaning.
Four Spring Cleaning Tips Race the Timer: Set a timer and set yourself a goal. Try to get as much done in that time as possible. This tip helps me stay on track and get things done faster. If I know I've set a timer for myself, I'm less likely to get distracted by something else. I like to do things in 10-15 minute bursts. Even if you don't get the closet 100% cleaned out, you'll be surprised at how much you can do in a 15 minute power clean. Let the Kids Help: Divide up the chores and give the kids some Spring cleaning tasks that are on their level. My kids fight over who gets to vacuum between the couch cushions so they take turns. Wiping down baseboards or cleaning windows are fun chores for kids too. Fill a small bucket or bowl with some soapy water and give them a sponge to spot clean walls and baseboards (embrace the mess to get the clean!) You can also give each kid a trash bag to fill up with old toys to donate or shoes that don't fit anymore . Encourage cleaning habits with the littlest ones through play with this fun toy vacuum cleaning set. Don't Try to Do it All at Once. Nobody has the time or energy to clean their house from top to bottom all at once. Divide up the big Spring Cleaning chores - doing a few a day until they are all done. Either do it room by room or task by task whichever works best for you. I like to clean all the windows in the whole house at once instead of room by room. Now's the time to get organized.  Stock up on Cleaning Supplies Beforehand. Make a run to the store to stock up on supplies before you start cleaning. That way you can have all your cleaning products on hand and hopefully won't run out in the middle of cleaning. That way you won't loose that momentum once you get going. More Cleaning Hacks from Momtrends Getting Your Closets it Order Top Spring Cleaning Tips The most neglected spring cleaning spots Pin It!
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