I Deconstructed These Food Recipes To Bring Awareness To What You Eat (23 Pics)

I Deconstructed These Food Recipes To Bring Awareness To What You Eat (23 Pics)

I wanted to inspire people to think about what they eat. Food is not only a bite we put into our mouth. It is a combination of processes which all affect what is finally consumed by eating. By deconstructing recipes into individual steps I wish to create an easy to approach and positive way of inspiring people to cook from scratch and explore how food is constructed.

The project started from a series of individual pieces in 2009. The very first photo was the Cinnamon Rolls recipe. The series slowly evolved into a book published in Finland by WSOY (2012) and in Taiwan by I’m Publishing (2016). The book is not a normal cookbook but something that ties the world of art and cooking together.

All 62 images are produced by myself. It means first I had to learn how to cook the dishes, then do the groceries, prepare and style the food, take the picture, post-process, write and finally clean up. I made my own rules and it was very important that all the food was consumed. I despise the throw away culture that is common in the food photography scene. I also wanted to shoot all the steps with a single shot and not compose the final image of separate images. So steps that are represented in the photographs were made into the final dish instead of throwing everything away. This food was shared with neighbours and friends.

More info: marinaekroos.com

#1 Guacamole

#2 Cinnamon Rolls

#3 Quiche Lorraine

#4 Aubergine Dip

#5 Banana Cake

#6 Houmous

#7 Pine Syrup

#8 Creme Brûlée

#9 Biff À La Lindström

#10 Berry Porridge

#11 Porchini Soup

#12 Nettle Soup

#13 Chicken Soup

#14 Grav Whitefish

#15 Radish Pasta

#16 Jelly Doughnuts

#17 Tortilla Chips

#18 Quesadillas

#19 Mixed Salad With Lemon

#20 Finnish Sima

#21 Jam Dodgers

#22 Fish Broth

#23 Rhubarb Kissel

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