Taco Birthday Cake

Taco Birthday Cake

Check out this fun and creative taco birthday cake. This is a birthday cake made with tacos! A great birthday idea for any taco lover out there. Whip up a batch to fit the number the birthday person is turning. 

taco birthday idea

Talk about one delicious way to serve up a birthday feast. Here is a flavorful and easy taco-inspired birthday party idea. Give it a try. 

Why Make This Taco Birthday Cake 

  • Fun for Taco lovers 
  • A creative dinner idea 
  • Great for those who don’t care for sweets 
  • Tasty 
  • Simple 
  • Versatile on toppings 

taco shellsWhat Shells Do I Need For This Taco Cake 

You need to use the Old El Paso Stand and Stuff Taco Shells. They have a flat bottom which will help it stand up on a tray or table. As you can see they stand up really well. 

Order online, or pick up at your local grocery store. You will find most stores carry these taco shells. You might also enjoy using Instacart for delivery right to your doorstep. 

homemade tacos Topping Ideas For Tacos 

Here are some ideas for you to consider putting on top of your tacos. These are just ideas but feel free to add whatever you would like. This is what my family enjoys. 

  • Lettuce 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Black Olives 
  • Shredded Cheese 
  • Guacamole 
  • Salsa 
  • Pico De Gallo 
  • Etc 

Just make sure that when you pile on toppings remember it can sog up the taco shells. So don’t overfill the shells and you can always have a tray with other ingredients people can pile on their tacos once they take however many they want. 

Type of Meat To Use For Tacos 

I used ground beef for this taco meat, but you are more than welcome to use ground turkey, chicken, or even ground pork. Just cook as you would until crumbled and no longer raw. Then season the meat with the taco seasoning. 

 Want More Mexican Recipes 

birthday taco ideas

Change Up The Shape of Tacos 

If you don’t want to do a number, consider doing the initial of the child or adult’s name. So if their name is, Sophie, you would shape the tacos in the shape of an S. 

Get creative and have fun making it whatever design you want. 

tacos in shape of number 7 on table

Taco Birthday Cake

Yield: 16
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Taco Birthday Cake is a set of tacos in the shape of the age the person is turning. Or you can do the letter of their name. A fun taco birthday party idea.


  • 1 lb hamburger meat
  • 1 packet taco seasoning
  • lettuce
  • cheese
  • black olives
  • tomatoes
  • sour cream
  • guacamole, if desired
  • cilantro
  • lime juice, if desired


  1. Make taco meat according to the seasoning package. Arrange taco shells in the shape of the number of years you're celebrating at the party. Add taco fillings and stick candles in between tacos.


Alternate idea: Instead of a number, you could arrange the tacos in the shape of the birthday girl or boy's first initial!

***It is important to use this exact brand of taco shells, as they are the only ones I have found with a flat base which stand up on their own. Using these makes it MUCH easier to create this recipe instead of using traditional taco shells!

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 16 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 98Total Fat: 6gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 3gCholesterol: 27mgSodium: 174mgCarbohydrates: 2gFiber: 1gSugar: 1gProtein: 8g
© Heather Schisler
Cuisine: Mexican / Category: 20-Minute Dinner
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